
Manufacturing businesses are competing on a global scale, even the small ones.  Partner with Busenbark Wright CPA LLC to navigate you through the regulatory environment with competent advice on tax strategy and to fulfill your financial reporting needs....

Retail is an extremely tough, competitive business.  Partner with us to make sure you are squeezing every bit of savings out of the tax law.  Retail operations have several tax benefits offered to them.  Make sure you are utilizing them to increase your cash flow....

Doctors and dentists have enough regulations to worry about without adding taxes to the list.  At Busenbark Wright CPA LLC, we partner with our clients in the healthcare profession to provide up-to-date tax advice to lower the amount of tax that you pay over your...

We have a wealth of experience helping our clients when it comes to real estate ownership and transactions.  Whether you are flipping houses or renting them, we can help you make sure that taxes are minimized and not a burden to cash flow.  Also, when...

The Oil and Gas industry is the essence of a boom and bust business.  Let us help you manage your cash flow and minimize your taxes during the highs and lows in the oil patch.  We have the knowledge and experience to effectively use the...

Whether you are a farmer, rancher, or another agribusiness, we have the experience and knowledge to help you reduce your tax liability, thereby increasing the cash flows from your business.   Utilizing the specialized aspects of the tax law for agriculture businesses, we will use our knowledge...

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